Sunday, November 2, 2014

Note to self and others..

No one ever wants to believe their mother of all people know whats right and wrong I mean were kids we know everything. But this time mother was right, I shouldn't have talked to strangers on my way to Grandmothers.

Just think if that man wasn't there to save us, me and Puss would have made dinner to Wolfenhanger and poor Grandmother would still be locked in that cupboard with no date when she's feeling better. I am glad someone was out there. But the moral of the story is listen to your parents, they know best...Sometimes. You might think you know it all (because we are kid's and we know tons) but taking a little advice from mom or dad really wont hurt it can only help you strengthen as a person.

Mom would so have me grounded for a year..

If my mother only knew half the things I have done today on my dis-adventure to Grandmother's house I would be toast. Remember Wolfenhanger? That weirdo stranger I met on my way. Well he some how found out exactly where Grandmother lived and had her all locked up in the cupboard and put on her clothes. I mean he sure did fool me. I know there are some hairy women out there but I knew after seeing "Grandmother" that something wasn't right, but who was I to question she wasn't feeling well. Wolfenhanger told me he was going to eat me for a meal when I was leaving. Can you believe the nerve he had? I did what any little girl would do. I screamed at the top of my lungs "HELP, HELP, HELP!" I don't if you want to call it fate or luck but there he was a tall muscular man standing before my eyes to save me from Wolfenhanger. Let's just say it didn't end well for Wolfenhanger. Grandmother now has a date for when she's feeling better with our hero who saved the day.

Grandmother has changed.

Well, I finally made it to Grandmother's house and OMG she has changed a lot from when I last saw her. I never realized how tall my Grandmother is or how hairy she is. My mother isn't really that hairy so I am surprised to see her so hairy. Geez, I hope I don't get that hairy with age, she's almost as hairy as Puss. Even Puss thinks she is different.

I guess I better get going out of this restroom before Grandmother wonders whats going on in here.

Oh and I'm sure she wants her goods.

See ya soon,

Strangers are cool!

I met this real nice wolf named Wolfenhanger while I was resting. He gave me some sweets and asked me where I was going. Puss was a hot mess all upset because I took the sweets and told Wolfenhanger where I was going. It's not like if he knows where Grandmother lives, cats!

Back on path to Grandmothers. TTFN (Ta ta for now)

Finally a rest on the walk to grandmother's

Wow! I had no clue how far Grandmother really lived, next time I shall ride my bike. I am glad I brought my tablet with me so I at least have something to do while I catch my breath.

Question: Does anyone know if these tablets are waterproof?

On another note my cat Puss followed me to Grandmothers he's checking out the scenery while I am taking this little break.

..Hey I hear something out there in the woods.

Talk to you later!!

Chores for Mother

Today my Mother has asked me to go visit Grandmother to bring her some goods because she isn't feeling well. Of course I had other plans but how could I refuse? She is my grandmother. Ya know mothers, always lecturing about what to do and not to do. There she is yelling now for me to get off of the computer and get these good to my grandmother. Well I guess that's my que, I will be back later.